"Nick Sandys, the gifted actor known for his extraordinary performances at Remy Bumppo Theatre, shows his versatility and many talents in this play. He portrays Kit’s gentle Father, the heartless villain Fleece, and several other characters. His sonorous voice rings through the darkness and blends nicely in the caroling." - ChicagoTheatreReview.com
"Fleece (played to perfection by Sandys), just happens to be the warden at the prison" - WTTW
"..the physical interplay between Kaplan and Nick Sandys as the would-be thieves is nimble and witty." - Chicago Reader
"I also must say that Nick Sandys is in great shape having a scene where the hysterical Mark David Kaplan is on his back for quite some time... . and of course Sandys is incredible as the evil Fleece and the imprisoned “father”." - AroundTheTownChicago.com
"And we must point out the impeccable baritone voice of Nick Sandys, who plays Fleece and the Father." - Chicagonow.com
"Fleece (played to perfection by Sandys), just happens to be the warden at the prison" - WTTW
"..the physical interplay between Kaplan and Nick Sandys as the would-be thieves is nimble and witty." - Chicago Reader
"I also must say that Nick Sandys is in great shape having a scene where the hysterical Mark David Kaplan is on his back for quite some time... . and of course Sandys is incredible as the evil Fleece and the imprisoned “father”." - AroundTheTownChicago.com
"And we must point out the impeccable baritone voice of Nick Sandys, who plays Fleece and the Father." - Chicagonow.com
Christine Bunuan Cordelia Dewdney Kasey Foster Mark David Kaplan Ruchir Khazanchi Nick Sandys |
Director: David Catlin Music Director: Chuck Larkin Scenic Design: William Boles Costume Design: Sully Ratke Lighting Design: Jason Lynch Sound Design: Andre Pluess Stage Manager: Katie Klemme |